

This group consists of swimmers between the ages of 8-11  years old.

Novice level swimmers have 3 x 1 hour practices per week.


Completion of Life Saving Society level 7 (Rookie Patrol) or Red Cross level 8 / 9.

The focus is on the developement of technique for all competitive strokes and an introduction to endurance training.
Swimmers in this group will learn the basics of dives, starts, turns, push-offs, pace clock management, race strategies, pacing, meet preparation and basic nutrition.

This group will compete approximately once every 6 weeks or 6-8 times per year.


This group consists of swimmers between the ages of 11-13 years old.

Advanced level athletes have 4 x 1.5 hour practices per week.


Technical competence with sufficient race experience.

This group focuses on continued stroke development with an increase in endurance training.
Athletes will also gain an understanding of the required energy systems used during training and competition.
At this level swimmers will have a complete understanding of pace clock use and continue to master dives, starts, turns and push-off.
This level has more emphasis on race strategies and results and swimmers will gain an increased understanding of nutrition.
Swimmers will also learn how to properly set goals.

This group will compete approximately 12-16 times per year.


This group consists of swimmers 13 and over.

Elite 2 level athletes swim 6 x 1.5 hour practices plus 2 x 30 minute dry land training sessions per week.

Elite 1 level athletes swim 7 x 1.5 hour practices plus 2 x 30 minute dry land training sessions per week.


Technical excellence in all strokes and a large range of race experience.

Emphasis remains on stroke technique and efficiency. All energy systems are developed and trained to the maximum. Turns, push-offs, dives and starts should be approaching perfection. Attendance is mandatory in order to remain competitive with swimmers in the province, country and world.

(i.e. “popcorn theory” 1 practice missed = 3 practices to make up).

This group will compete approximately 16-20 times per year.

For registration information:

please email

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